English love poem

What if I told you it was all meant to be.

What if I told you that I love you too

What if.

And what if I told you I love you over and over again.

And again and Little more.

The Little things in Life are big.

Would it be roses over my tree now

or other kinds of flower i would like to see.

Or would the birds in the sky set me free

Would the sky be blue in my Dreams too?

I think it would be. How would it not be blue when blue is the most beautiful color in the entire world.

Perhaps it shines a little purple too through the clouds.

The clouds im sleeping in.

When the raindrops falls, i know were my home is.

When the raindrops falls, i know that's my life.

It just belongs to me somehow and sometimes there's a little window sun who stands there and say to me. Hey its spring now dear.

The angels just called me, time to go home now.

But i will be back for a little walk with my little purple rainy cloud and my red umbrella over my head.

I can hear the rain, but i know that i can hear you too.

You are whispering to my ear and it gives me a lot.

I really love you. I really love you.

I love you

Cause i truly deeply do.

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